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How To Record A Billing Payment With Patient Juan

You can record your patient’s balance payments with the Billing Module.

Step 1: Open the Billing Module

Open your Billing Module by clicking the “Billing” button on your main side navigation.

Step 2: Select a Billing

On your Billings List, click the “options” button adjacent to the billing you wish to settle, then click the “Settle” button.

Step 3: Input the Amount Paid

On the Settle Billing window, enter the amount paid by your patient or click the “pay in full” to automatically input the full balance. 

Step 4: Select a Payment Method

Select how your patient wishes to pay their balance. This can be either cash, check , or card.

Step 5 (optional): Add a Note

Input any notes you may have regarding the payment on the Notes field. (ie. credit card details, etc.)

Step 6: Save the Payment

Finally, click the “Add Payment” button to save the payment.

Note: Payment of your billing will change its status. “Partially paid” means a portion of your billing is still unsettled, while “Paid” means that the billing is completely settled.

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