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Using The Physical Exam Step In the Consultation Proper

Step 1:  Physical Exam

In this stage, the Physical Exam has the following sections:

  • Vital Signs
  • Anthropometric Data
  • General Survey
  • Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose and Throat
  • Chest and Lungs
  • Cardiovascular
  • Abdomen
  • Skin, Back and Extremities
  • Nervous System
  • Rectal Examination
  • Genito-Urinary (Internal Exam)

Step 2:  Vital Signs

Let’s proceed to the Vital Signs section. 

In this section, you can see that the “Essentially Normal” toggle button is activated which diables all text fields underneath.

You can still manually input information in the text fields by clicking the toggle button again. This will deactivate the “Essentially Normal” button and enable the text fields.

Step 3: Anthropometric Data

Next is the Anthropometric Data section. 

Just like the Vitals Signs section, the “Essentially Normal” toggle button is activated.

You can manually input information in the text fields by deactivating the toggle button for the text fields to enable.

As you can see, the BMI is already automatically computed by the system and also indicates its status.

Step 4:  Fill out Other Information

After the Vital Signs and Anthropometric Data, the rest of the sections of this stage are the same. We will use the Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose and Throat as reference.

As you can see, the “ Essentially Normal” toggle button is automatically clicked upon opening the stage. This button disables the checklist below.

Click the “Essentially Normal” toggle button, to enable the checklist.

All sections of the Physical Exam are optional therefore, you can click the “Next” button on the bottom right corner to proceed to the next. 

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